Selection processes
for scholarship holders

Hand die den Daumen hoch zeigt

Aptitude diagnostics for scholarship holders

Our selection of scholarship holders is as diverse as the scholarship landscape: From ability tests, personality tests and motivation questionnaires to interviews and assessment centres. We adapt each selection process to the respective target group of applicants. Our previous projects demonstrate how individually we proceed.

Besides selecting scholarship holders, we also support foundations in evaluating the selection process and the scholarship programme.


There is no one answer to the question of who should be funded and what a scholarship holder should possess. For scholarship organisations, other factors often count alongside cognitive abilities and qualifications:

  • Personality
  • Motivation, interests and commitment
  • Social skills
  • personal values and attitudes

We support and advise scholarship organisations in finding and implementing the appropriate psychometric tools for their needs.



The START-Stiftung uses a personality test (ITB-PESA starter) and IQ screening, which does not disadvantage applicants with still poor German language skills, in an online application.

For the subsequent selection stage we developed a competence-oriented interview. Earlier on, we conducted interview trainings with the interviewers.

We evaluate the selection process together with the START-Stiftung.

The START-Stiftung supports socially engaged students (14 years and older) with a migration background with a three-year scholarship programme.

Aufstiegsstipendium der Stiftung Begabtenförderung berufliche Bildung (SBB)

Since 2008 we have been entrusted with the implementation, evaluation and further development of the selection process for the ”Aufstiegsstipendium”. We also developed the selection process.  

In a three-stage process, around 1,000 scholarship holders are selected each year in two rounds from around 3,500 applicants. The target group consists not only of people with a conventional school career, but also of people who have acquired their university entrance qualification in other ways. For example, about half of the scholarship holders only acquired their higher education entrance qualification during or after vocational training.

The procedure itself is conducted twice a year (March to August and September to March).

Stage 1: Hard facts check by means of a fully automated online application in our own online test system – IONA (the exam grade of apprenticeship and further information is taken into account; there is also the possibility of skipping the grade obstacle by submitting a reasoned employer-proposal).

Stage 2: Competence check (non-cognitive online test, which measures competences in 30 open and 90 closed questions, scores all answers and compiles them in full text in a report with information from stage 1.)

Stage 3: Selection interviews (two jurors; we will qualify the jurors, the basis for the interview will be the report from stage 2)

The process is comprehensively evaluated by us once a year and the results are recorded in a final report. In addition, this report is presented to representatives of the SBB and the grant’s sponsor, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


Since 2010, the selection test of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes has been held online in March each year under supervision in test centres throughout Germany and is taken by applicants who wish to qualify for a scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes by applying for it themselves. Test participants with very good results can then attend the Studienstiftung’s selection seminars.

The selection test takes about three hours and consists of four different modules:

  • Planning and Organising Projects
  • Inferring Relationships
  • Analysing Charts
  • Recognizing Patterns

The test is conducted in German.