Is Test Prep Undermining Equal Opportunities in Higher Education Admissions?
In the ongoing debate about fairness in admission procedures, high school grade point average (HSGPA) is often criticised. Wealthier families
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In the ongoing debate about fairness in admission procedures, high school grade point average (HSGPA) is often criticised. Wealthier families
As higher education institutions strive to identify the most suitable candidates, the choice and design of selection tools play a
In an increasingly competitive higher education landscape, institutions face complex decisions regarding their admissions processes. A recent survey of experts
The less work is controlled by external guidelines or other people and the more opportunities arise, the more important it
In academia, the ability to comprehend and analyze graphically presented data is often referred to as “data visualization literacy.” This
In many contexts, there is currently a debate about which skills and competences will be (more) important in the future.