Test for medical studies

Academic aptitude test for medical studies

The TMS – Test for Medical Studies – is a subject-specific study aptitude test developed according to the international standards of psychological aptitude diagnostics. It consists of the following modules which have proven to predict study success:

  • Recognizing Patterns
  • Basic medical and scientific understanding
  • Tube figures
  • Solving Quantitative Problems
  • Memory test (learning figures / learning facts)
  • Understanding and Interpreting Texts
  • Analysing Charts

The various exercises cover competencies such as memory, reasoning and concentration.

Responsible for coordination and organisation of the TMS is the central TMS Coordination Office, which is located at the Heidelberg Medical Faculty. ITB is responsible for the development and evaluation of the test. More than 30,000 applicants per year participate in the TMS.

Duration: 5:06 h

Test languages: German

Implementation: Paper-based in test centers

Participation fee: 100 Euro (including VAT)

Why do organisations use TMS?

The largest scholastic aptitude test in the German-speaking world

The TMS is currently being used by 36 medical faculties in the process of admitting
students to human medicine and by 28 faculties for admitting students to dental medicine within the framework of the quotas which are part of the German Higher Education Act. In addition, the pharmacy in Leipzig, molecular medicine in Ulm and numerous quotas for strengthening medical care in rural areas of the federal states consider the TMS in the admission or selection process.

In 2022, there were more than 37,000 registrations for the four test days of the TMS. The test was offered at about 80 different test locations, which ensures good accessibility for participants. This makes the TMS the largest subject-specific study test in the German-speaking world.


  • Saturday, 11 May 2024
  • Sunday, 12 May 2024
  • Saturday, 02 November 2024
  • Sunday, 03 November 2024

Find further information and book your test appointment at the TMS webpage.

Test results

You can apply to study medicine at the universities via Hochschulstart. Here you can enter your TMS result directly during the application process. You can find more information about the application process at Hochschulstart as well as the important dates and deadlines for the application at

The result of the TMS is taken into account by the user universities in the different quotas. The best way to find out exactly how the TMS result is taken into account with other criteria is to consult the selection statutes of the universities to which you want to apply. There you will always find the most up-to-date and binding information. Usually, the test score (standard score) of the overall test shown in the TMS result is taken into account in such a way that you can only improve your chances of a place at university by submitting the TMS result and not worsen them.

EMS - Aptitude test for medical study programmes - Adaptation of the TMS for Switzerland

In Switzerland, the aptitude test for medical study programmes (EMS), which is an adaptation of the German TMS test concept, is used in a similar way to the TMS. For the EMS, too, we primarily act as test developers, while responsibility for implementation and organisation lies with the Centre for Test Development and Diagnostics (ZTD) at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland).

The EMS is offered in German, French and Italian.